
There are 5 files, weighing 1.9 MiB with 9,806 hits in General.

Displaying 1 to 5 of 5 files.


  Why sanction with WKF ?
» 190.2 KiB - 1,606 hits - January 13, 2019

  WKF Information
» 384.1 KiB - 1,384 hits - July 1, 2020
Full information about WKF, for any further request send just a mail to our office, please

  WKF Professional Sport
» 64.3 KiB - 1,563 hits - January 13, 2019

  WKF title application form
» 208.7 KiB - 2,518 hits - January 13, 2019
Edition 2018, if you want to book any WKF sanctioned title fight send just this application form

  WKF title fight minimum requirements
» 1.1 MiB - 2,735 hits - January 13, 2019
edition October 2018, these are the minimum standards for any WKF sanctioned title fight