WKF – World Kickboxing Federation
was 2020 the fastest growing World sanctioning body. Events for amateurs and pro on 6 continents in now more than 140 countries shows about the serious activities of our promoter, manager and fighters.
Just in 36 month WKF has sanctioned more than 300 title fights World wide. From South Africa to Scandinavia, from USA to Russia, from USA to Argentina. In Papua New Guinea and Australia, as well as 27 WKF events 2018 just on the African continent. With our WKF continental president in Australia we have also 4 events scheduled in his area. This confirm once again our WKF slogan
“we are the real global player”
.We have no fakes on our event schedule. Our different male / female World rankings in PPF – Pro Point Fighting, PRO-AM , pro ring sport and MMA are top, based on information’s we get from our World wide network. WKF title fight minimum requirements are here, if you want to promote a real World title fight with great value, or for any other request, do not hesitate to contact us by mail. For amateurs we offer our PRO AM title fights for low costs, for point fighters all over the World we offer PPF – PRO POINT FIGHTING – with international valid ranking lists, both divisions with great value and international recognition. We offer the chance to fight in all 4 ring sport divisions for our great demand WKF Champion belts. Here are our 4 pro divisions, with valid World ranking lists, rules, title fight minimum requirements and much more